Helping the fish farmer to grow with quality feed and technology

02 dec 2022

In Java, Ozi breeds several species of fish. At first, he didn't know if his farm would become profitable. With a negative turnover he transformed the farm into a successful fish farm in several years. Thanks to the great results in production.

The many challenges facing SMEs in Indonesia moved us to improvise in providing feed with the best quality and technology that can boost production. This is the story of our customer Ozi, who we support both technically and by providing feed and helping him generate profits.

Located in Tulungagung, East Java, Ozi is a local scale fish cultivator. Ozi breeds several species of fish such as catfish, koi, carp and tilapia. He is also one of the agents that supplies De Heus Indonesia with fish feed for the Tulungagung area and its surroundings.

Starting a business from loss to success

When he started using De Heus feed, Ozi explains that he was operating the business with minus capital. That meant that the business was not making any profit at all.

“Initially, we started with a negative turnover, but the De Heus Indonesia advised, supported and guided us regarding feed sales to aquaculture operations. Alhamdulillah, in a few years, we were able to cover our previous losses one by one,” Ozi recalls.

Fish tech technology helps boost the production of Pangas catfish cultivation

The fish tech technology for cultivating Pangas catfish was implemented at Ozi’s business location with positive results. Ozi: “After using the fish tech technology with support from De Heus, production in our fishponds has increased. Furthermore, our catfish yields are very large and the meat produced is also whiter. These criteria are in high demand in most markets.”

Ozi - Fish Farmer

About his experiences with De Heus fish feed.

The successful combination of Fish Tech and De Heus feed increased Pangas catfish production

After implementing the Fish Tech technology in his business operation, Ozi has used De Heus Ruby feed especially for the Pangas catfish. “Ruby feed products are perfect for maintaining the meat colour and water quality,” Ozi explains.

Ozi adds: “De Heus has many products, but I never need to worry about choosing the best feed for the Pangas catfish. And we are always well informed about De Heus Indonesia products, which gives us confidence about using the product.”

“Since using De Heus feed, the growth performance has improved, as shown from the FCR and GR in several samples. Combined with the Fish Tech technology, we have had excellent results in production meaning that our Pangas catfish can meet the market needs,” Ozi adds.

As the owner of an agricultural business operating as a feed distribution agent and in fish farming, Ozi is very satisfied with De Heus products. The support for the facilities has also improved. “De Heus always prioritises customer needs by providing the best quality products and technology. They apply the principle that customers are partners who they must wholeheartedly support,” concludes Ozi.